A Jewel on the Coast
Auditorium-Convention Centre Kursaal

Window / Photo by Ikeuchi Seiji
The glass choreographs the dance of the light
This glass that creates the Auditorium and Conference Centre Kursaal demeanor is a very distinctive type of glass.
When glass is to be used as an external material on all sides, it must be strong enough to withstand harsh conditions such as salt damage from the ocean winds, but the design element is also of paramount importance.
Once rough grooves have been carved into the translucent glass, the glass is then curved, so that when the soft light passes over the surface, it produces a subtle glow with a hint of a shadow; it allows us a glimpse of nature's beauty which cannot be seen when viewed straight-on. Then, from the outside, each convex surface serves as a prism lens, which changes its aspect from one hour to the next, along with the movement of the sun. This lends complexity to what is actually a simple shape.
The technique of creating a box of light
The inner and outer glass are both 2500mm in length and 60mm in height; due to their large size, these were installed into the main steel-frame construction using cast aluminum sidebars, with the help of a mullion. Great care was taken when applying the silicon sealing to the vertical joints.
For maintenance purposes, a scaffolding that overlays the steel-frame construction has also been prepared.
(written by editor)


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