DG Bank, Pariser Platz

Glass polygon

Atrium Inside
donated by Josef Gartner GmbH & Co.,KG
A huge Atrium Top Light
The top light (20 meters across and 61 meters in length) is made of over 1500 triangular glass panes. The organic appearance of this structure derives from the articulated triangles, which can be divided into different pieces. The sashes of the Atrium are constructed of square steel bars (40mm X 60mm stainless) and supported by four curved ribs, which are sustained by wire-rods.
The glass is Low-E tempered and double laminated. ( u-value 1.4W/m2K, 76% g-factor, 48% τ-value, 40dB at sound insulation ) These features shut out the intense sunlight, while still retaining transparency. Due to the multiple layers of glass used in the Atrium and the Glass Floor, the glass panes were chosen for their high transparency, thus creating a light, transparent and cheerful design.

Axonometric projection
donated by Frank O. Gehry & Associates Inc
     Josef Gartner GmbH & Co.,KG
Glass constructions of the Conference Hall
Composed of sashes (40 mm X 40 mm, square bars of stainless), the glass structure of the Conference Hall has a more complicated shape than that of the top light. The Glass panes are tempered and double laminated (u-value 3.0W/m2K, 71 % g-factor, 68% τ-value, 55dB at sound insulation), with high sound insulation.

The Glass Floor
The curved part of the center of the Glass Floor is made using the same construction as the top light of the Atrium. Glass panes are triple tempered and laminated (18 mm). While the glass panes and sashes form a plane surface, measures are provided against breakage or falling.

Data of this building

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